Getting Court Testimonials

Comments by three of the prime participants in the project since it started:

"I have always been astounded by the ignorance of most law abiding and educated citizens when it comes to understanding the workings of our criminal justice system. Getting Court was created to address two issues. To promote an understanding in young people of how the system operates and to instil in them the notion that wrongdoing carries consequences and sometimes very uncomfortable consequences.

We are now in our third year and Getting Court is firmly established. The program is entirely dependent on the support of The High Sheriffs all of whom have played the lead role developing and funding this unique project. My thanks to them all and to members of the court staff who have gone out of their way to assist our visitors at Gloucester Crown Court"
HH Judge Jamie Tabor QC. Resident Judge, Gloucester Crown Court.


"Getting Court is great project... Not only cautionary, but also inspiring... The resident judges are warm and welcoming, answering any questions that the students have, and arranging for other court workers, such as myself from probation, mental health workers, lawyers or police officers to talk to them on an informal basis during the Q&A session at the end of the morning.

In my experience the students get a lot out of the day, and leave the Court buzzing with excitement and inspiration, thinking about career paths that they may not have considered before coming for their day in Court."
Patrick Tracey, Probation Service Officer.


"Being a part of Getting Court has been a great privilege. The project has given me the opportunity to witness the impact of the court experience on many students from a wide range of educational establishments.

Experiences are many and varied. They range from a greater awareness of the judicial process and career structures to an insight into crime and its wide reaching consequences. For some, it,s the reality of personal stories and wrong choices that has a huge impact.

I look forward to continuing to promote this extremely worthwhile project."
Di Harrill, Lead Teacher


Student Quotes

"One case in particular stuck in my mind, it it made me really aware of how a wrong choice or decision can have such a huge impact on your life."

"I feel much more aware of punishments and the consequences of doing wrong"

"I think the sentencing is very fair, each person is judged as an individual"

"The consequences of breaking the law is very scary"

"Made me realise how getting in to trouble would affect my future"


Teachers Quotes

"An invaluable experience for our pupils who learn most effectively in real world situations. Visiting the court and interacting with court staff helped them not only to understand how the criminal justice system works but also to consider and ask questions about complex situations concerning right and wrong in their community. An extremely effective and innovative way of getting across a very important message to teenagers".


"The visit helped to reinforce work on peer pressure in PSHE and the importance of positive choices, especially supporting vulnerable young adults as they leave the protected environment of school and venture out into the real world"